
"A passion for cooking is what I have...Sharing that passion is what I love to do." -Sarah Vasques, The Home Chef


Don’t Toss It – Dry It

Published by: Sarah

  • Feb
  • 26

Have you ever bought  fresh herbs like basil, oregano, thyme or sage & don’t use it all?  Then find it rotten in the back of your veggie drawer. It used to happen to me all the time, especially with basil, until I tried this little trick. When I notice the herb starting to turn, I simply hang it upside down on a tall glass & let it dry naturally. Then I store it in a jar with a tight fitting lid. Then the dried herb is ready for use when I want it!! This saves a bunch of money when you don’t have to buy herbs from the grocery store. We all know how expensive that can be. I hope this tip helps you not throw away turning herbage 🙂


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